What does AdvInno do?

Technologies, Innovations and Intellectual Property

We advise you as a team consisting of a patent attorney, an attorney at law and a management consultant specialising in ideas, technologies, innovations & intellectual property.

We create added value with the systematic, targeted use of IP by interlinking expertise from the areas of technology, law & business.

We comprehensively support companies and institutions with any issues from the validation of a business idea via development and marketing of technologies and give advice for securing, commercialisation and enforcement of property rights (patents, trademarks, designs & copyrights) as well as know-how.

We only give advice in areas, in which we are proficient. The projects we are entrusted with quite often affect several specialist fields. By bringing together different expertises, we bundle our competences in an interdisciplinary fashion and can thus offer holistic solutions for all issues concerning ideas, technologies, innovations & intellectual property.

Only those who have learnt to see the bigger picture beyond their specialist field can accompany a complex project in detail in a technically and legally competent and optimal fashion with regard to the market and implement an overall solution with tangible added economic value.

We unify years of practical experience, methodology and industry knowledge in the areas of IP and innovation management as well as technology transfer. Our consulting tasks can be selective in situations critical for success, but can also comprise the entire area of the value-added chain on an ongoing basis. As needed, and depending on your objective, we take over control, communication, coordination as well as representation of your interests and are innovation-driven implementation advisor, initiator, problem solver, sparring partner and dealmaker – also as interim manager – for you.

Whereby do we support our customers?

Expertise from Technology, Law & Business

As an interdisciplinary team consisting of a patent attorney, an attorney at law and a management consultant, we have a broad base – but with a clear orientation. We comprehensively accompany you with our complementary experience and knowledge with expertise in technology, law & business. Our task is the increase in your competitiveness and profitability by the systematic and targeted use of patents, know-how, trademarks, designs & copyrights from the validation of a business model for your idea up to the commercialisation and enforcement of your property rights.

As a medium-sized, flexible consulting boutique, we quickly respond to the individual needs and requirements of our customers. In that, we think and act like you: entrepreneurially. As needed, we comprehensively prepare complex topics – for day-to-day operations, however, we also quickly elaborate pragmatic results. Your economic success always takes priority in any considerations. We elaborate the solution and ensure its implementation. Thus, we conserve your company resources. In that, we share our knowledge with you.

We offer value-adding and effective analysis, conception, consulting und practical implementation measures – adapted to your individual needs. We direct your knowledge in the right direction, so that your know-how comes to fruition efficiently and effectively. Thus, jointly we achieve quick results and sustainable success.

IP Strategy IP Processes
Translation of the ideas into valid business models and of the business objectives into a supporting IP strategy Anchoring of the IP strategy in the company organisation using agile and efficient processes
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IP Audit Technology Positioning & Assessment
Creation of transparency in the IP area Analysis of the technological field of potential and interesting IP
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IP Awareness Intrapreneurship & Corporate Entrepreneurship
Creation of IP awareness in all divisions Enhancement of the entrepreneurial spirit
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IP Design IP Protection
Determination of opportunities and added value-oriented exclusive positions in technology and product markets Systematic establishment of a market-oriented IP & technology portfolios
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IP Asset & Portfolio Management IP Administration & Outtasking
Management and monitoring of property rights Development of organisational structures for more efficient IP management
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Exploitation Strategy IP & Technology Marketing
Development of exploitation options Implementation of the exploitation strategy
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Transactions & Technology Transfer Licences, Partnerships & Contracts
Structuring and execution of IP & technology transactions Design and implementation of IP and technology transfer agreements
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Disputes Alternative Dispute Resolution
Prevention and prosecution of property rights infringements Support of dispute settlement
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IP Compliance & Risk Management IP Finance, Structuring & Insurance
Determination of IP risks and implementation of risk strategies Evaluation and structuring of IP & technology investments
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Whom do we support?

Partner for innovative Companies and Research Organisations

If you want to give advice successfully, you should know all sides. Due to our years of experience working as a patent attorney, an attorney at law and a management consultant, we know, from own experience, the needs and work processes in strategy consultancies, law firms, at investors, small and medium-sized companies, large groups as well as in research institutions.

On this basis, we are able to elaborate, together with you, specific solutions for your individual challenges, which stand for a maximum of economic benefit, practical feasibility and legal certainty. We support you in achieving your business objectives as a partner.

Strategy & Processes

IP strategy & process development

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Evaluation of IP & IP needs

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Coaching & integration of IP competence

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Design of ideas and protection of your innovations

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Management and optimisation of your IP portfolio and your IP organisation

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Conception & implementation of your IP & technology exploitation

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Control and negotiation of your technology/IP transactions as well as contract design

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Support for the resolution of IP conflicts

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Compliance & Investments

Reduction of your IP risks and increase of investment chances

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Strategy & Processes

IP strategy & process development

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Evaluation of IP & IP needs

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Coaching & integration of IP competence

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Design of ideas and protection of your innovations

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Management and optimisation of your IP portfolio and your IP organisation

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Conception & implementation of your IP & technology exploitation

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Control and negotiation of your technology/IP transactions as well as contract design

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Strategy & Processes

IP strategy & process development

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Evaluation of IP & IP needs

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Coaching & integration of IP competence

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Design of ideas and protection of your innovations

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Management and optimisation of your IP portfolio and your IP organisation

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Conception & implementation of your IP & technology exploitation

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Control and negotiation of your technology/IP transactions as well as contract design

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Evaluation of IP & IP needs

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Management and optimisation of your IP portfolio and your IP organisation

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Conception & implementation of your IP & technology exploitation

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Control and negotiation of your technology/IP transactions as well as contract design

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Support for the resolution of IP conflicts

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Strategy & Processes

IP strategy & process development

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Evaluation of IP & IP needs

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Design of ideas and protection of your innovations

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Management and optimisation of your IP portfolio and your IP organisation

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Conception & implementation of your IP & technology exploitation

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Control and negotiation of your technology/IP transactions as well as contract design

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Compliance & Investments

Reduction of your IP risks and increase of investment chances

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Strategy & Processes

IP strategy & process development

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Evaluation of IP & IP needs

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Design of ideas and protection of your innovations

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Management and optimisation of your IP portfolio and your IP organisation

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Conception & implementation of your IP & technology exploitation

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Control and negotiation of your technology/IP transactions as well as contract design

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Compliance & Investments

Reduction of your IP risks and increase of investment chances

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Evaluation of IP & IP needs

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Conception & implementation of your IP & technology exploitation

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Compliance & Investments

Reduction of your IP risks and increase of investment chances

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Evaluation of IP & IP needs

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Control and negotiation of your technology/IP transactions as well as contract design

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Support for the resolution of IP conflicts

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Compliance & Investments

Reduction of your IP risks and increase of investment chances

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Who are we?

Patent Attorney, Attorney-at-law and Business Consultant

Many challenges are complex and cannot be clearly assigned to one field. Therefore, it is all the more important to have interdisciplinarily cooperating and at the same time specialised partners. As a team consisting of a patent attorney, an attorney at law and a management consultant, we are experts with years of patent law, legal, technical and economic experience in the fields of IP and innovation management as well as technology transfer.

On the basis of in-depth know-how in (patent) law, comprehensive technology expertise and well-founded business knowledge, with the combination of technical expertise, broad industrial experience, latest findings from science and targeted, practice-proven methodology from a single source, we elaborate interdisciplinary solutions, which can be practically implemented and create a true benefit for our customers.

We are not only partners and consultants, but, if needed, also initiators and constructive co-creators of (patent-related) legal structures as well as technical strategies and economic processes.

Karsten Heinemeyer

Karsten Heinemeyer

Cert. Engineer | Patent Attorney

Bjoern Joachim

Björn Joachim, LL.M. IPLM, LL.M.

Attorney | Business Consultant

Which topics are we working on?


Set-up and Administration of Patent Pool for the RF-Free Dip Technology developed by Continental and Kordsa

Why AdvInno?

We make your IP successful

AdvInno is your intellectual property law firm and business consultancy.
Your team with expertise in technology, law & business,
so that successful innovations emerge from the right ideas.

All the facts at a glance for Downloading (PDF, 300kb)

Where can I contact AdvInno?

Partner in Luebeck and Munich

At whichever location you are active, we are by your side.
Please contact us. We would be delighted to be of assistance!

Headquarters Lübeck
AdvInno | Sandstraße 17-23 | D-23552 Lübeck / Germany
T: +49 451 305 098 280 | F: +49 451 305 098 289<
E: info@advinno.de

Office Munich
AdvInno | Nymphenburger Straße 78 | D-80636 Munich / Germany
T: +49 89 215 466 69 | F: +49 89 215 466 74
E: info@advinno.de

Contact us directly: